We’ve added new tags to our legal area. See changes here on our Tags Master list. Some of these tags are brand new, some are updated. The new and updated tags include:
Warrants & active cases
Re-entry legal support
Loss of ID & tickets
Criminal record help
Police complaints
Personal injury
Custody & guardianship
Child support
Restraining orders
Dependency court
Wills & health care directives
Name & gender change
Eviction issues
Tenants rights
Visas & other statuses
Citizenship & naturalization
Debt collection
Declaring bankruptcy
Tax issues
Loan issues
Benefits & insurance issues
Life change documents
Applying ID & driver’s license
Identification recovery
Savings accounts & loans
Bankruptcy prevention
Credit & debt management
Applying for student loans
Applying for health insurance
Eviction prevention

These tags were added based on direct feedback from our members and partners, specifically in partnership with Project Legal Link.

Project Legal Link a nonprofit in San Francisco committed to connecting nonprofit professionals to legal resources for their clients.

Please send me your feedback or questions at data@1degree.org.